Navigating the stages of SaaS: How EndGame supports your business at every step

September 3, 2024

Building a successful SaaS (Software as a Service) business is a journey that involves navigating through several key stages. At EndGame, we understand these stages intimately and have developed a robust approach to support SaaS companies as they grow and evolve. In a recent conversation with EndGame’s CEO, Andrew Butel, we delved into these stages and discussed how EndGame’s expertise can be a game-changer for SaaS businesses at every step of the way.

The first thing to note is that we refer to each stage as being in "pursuit" of a certain milestone - that is, you are in that stage until you have enough proof that you’ve achieved it. Using the language of pursuit makes it clear that the milestone is achieved at the end of the stage, not at the beginning. Now, let’s begin…

Stage 1: Pursuit of validation

The first critical stage for any SaaS business is the pursuit of validation. As Andrew puts it, “This stage is about proving that your idea has merit. You don’t want to spend money until you’ve validated the idea. That could mean building a proof of concept, doing some research, or just testing the market without fully committing to product development.”

At this stage, EndGame partners with you to focus on what matters most: validating the core assumptions of your business without unnecessary spending. We provide the tools, expertise, and support you need to gather the evidence required to make informed decisions about the potential future of your product.

Stage 2: Pursuit of MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

Once you’ve validated your idea, the next step is the pursuit of an MVP. Andrew describes this stage as the moment where “you’re really trying to do things fast. You’ve validated the idea, and now you need to get a product to market. But we know that the money’s limited. You can’t build everything you want, so you’ve got to be ruthless.”

EndGame understands that during this phase, companies must be selective about what to build. Our team excels at helping clients prioritise features, develop a strategic roadmap, and execute on the essential components needed to bring an MVP to life. We know that it’s not just about writing code—it’s about laying a solid foundation that will allow your product to grow and adapt as your business evolves.

Stage 3: Pursuit of product-market fit

After your MVP is in place, the focus shifts to finding product-market fit—a stage that Andrew describes as potentially being “a bit of an ego moment. You might have had one conversation, got a high five, and thought you’ve made it. But real product-market fit is when you’ve got a good number of paying customers.”

EndGame’s deep understanding of SaaS metrics, such as acquisition, activation, retention, revenue and referral (often referred to as the pirate metrics AARRR), enables us to guide you through this complex stage. “It’s all about the numbers,” Andrew notes. “And these aren’t just about building software; it’s about creating a journey for your users through your product so they become paying customers.”

Stage 4: Pursuit of channel

Once product-market fit is achieved, the next challenge is scaling your business by finding and optimising your channels. Andrew points out that “as soon as you start thinking about the channel, you start solving problems for the channel, not just your customer. Maybe you’re selling through accountants, so now you need to build something that works for them—a portfolio view, for example.”

EndGame helps you navigate this stage by ensuring your software can support the demands of your chosen channels. We understand that at this point, you may need to develop new features or integrations to meet the specific needs of your channel partners. Our experience allows us to anticipate these needs and deliver solutions that drive your business forward.

Stage 5: Pursuit of scale

As your SaaS business continues to grow, you’ll enter the pursuit of scale. Andrew notes, “This is where everything can slow down. You’ve cut corners to get here, and now you’ve got demand but can’t keep up. Suddenly, you’re hearing, ‘We need to re-platform,’ and you’re thinking, ‘I don’t have two years to rebuild!’”

EndGame’s extensive experience with scaling SaaS products means we can help you strike the right balance. “Scaling too soon or too late can be a disaster,” Andrew explains. “But with the right partner, you know when to worry about scaling and when to not worry about it.”

Why choose EndGame?

What sets EndGame apart from other digital agencies is our deep understanding of the SaaS landscape. We don’t just build software; we build scalable, sustainable products that can grow with your business. Our expertise in SaaS metrics, product-market fit, and scaling strategies makes us the ideal partner for SaaS companies looking to navigate the complexities of growth.

At EndGame, we’re not just your software developers; we’re your product team, committed to supporting you at every stage of your journey. Whether you’re validating an idea, developing an MVP, or scaling your product, we have the knowledge, experience, and tools to help you succeed.

Keen to chat about how EndGame can help your business? Get in touch with Andrew via

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